Filtration Manufacturer
Ceiling Filters
Ceiling Filters
Ceiling/Downcraft Intake Filter is designed to be used in down-draft paint spray booths as a final filtration barrier to all paint damaging particles from the intake air stream. The filter is constructed from selected high performance, nonbreakable fibers in a progressive density multi-layering technique. Prevent any release of fibers and migration of paint damaging particles. High fractional efficiency combined with a high-dust loading capacity.
Ceiling/Downcraft Intake Filter
The premium choice cross draft and downdraft intake filters for automotive and industrial paint spray booths. MSR-1 provides the highest efficiency with minimal airflow restriction. Specifically designed for heated booths, the MSR-1 is a dry tackifier intake filter that removes 100% of visible atmospheric dust particles and 90% of 5-micron particles. The self-sealing gasket and internal wire frame eliminate by-pass and flutter to keep dirt out of the spray booth.